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London, UK



London, UK


Capital of England.





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Location created
Title Alternate label Class
STC 21259, Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God, 1506 (Manchester, John Rylands Library, Incunable 15416.6) Work item
STC 21260, Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God, 1520? (Washinton, DC, Library of Congress, MS Rosenwald 1220) Work item
London, British Library, C.40.c.17 Book object
STC 1915, The Golden Epistle, 1531 (BL, C.40.c.17) Work item
Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, Syn.8.53.108 Book object
STC 1915, The Golden Epistle, 1531? (Cambridge, Cambridge UL, Syn.8.53.108) Work item
Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, Syn.8.53.68 Book object
STC, 1915, Golden epistle, 1531 ? (Cambridge, Cambridge UL, Syn.8.53.68) Work item
London, British Library, IA. 55267 Book object
STC 14508, The Life of Jerome, 1499 ? (BL, IA.55267) Work item
London, British Library, STC 23963, The folowyng of Christ Lately translated in to Englisshe, and newly examyned Book object
STC 23963, Imitatio Christi. English, 1531? (BL, STC 23963) Work item
Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, Syn.8.53.70 Book object
STC 23964, Imitatio Christi, 1531 ? (Cambridge, Cambridge UL, Syn.8.53.70) Work item
Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, STC 25412 Book object
STC 25412, Contentes of this boke. A werke of preparacion, unto communion, or howselyng, 1531 ? (Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, STC 25412) Work item
Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, STC 1915.5 Book object
STC 1915.5, Golden epistle, 1531 ? (Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, STC 1915.5) Work item
London, British Library, C.37.b.12 Book object
STC 1915.5, Golden epistle, 1530? (BL, C.37.b.12) Work item
Title Alternate label Class
London, British Library, C.10.b.21 Modern location Book object
London, British Library, C.40.c.17 Modern location Book object
London, British Library, IA. 55267 Modern location Book object
London, British Library, STC 23963, The folowyng of Christ Lately translated in to Englisshe, and newly examyned Modern location Book object
London, British Library, C.37.b.12 Modern location Book object