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Explanations of certain prophecies concerning the affairs of England both in prose and in verse (BL, Cotton MS Vespasian E.vii)



Explanations of certain prophecies concerning the affairs of England both in prose and in verse (BL, Cotton MS Vespasian E.vii)


Expositiones quorundam vaticiniorum de rebus Angliæ; viz. Sibyllarum Merlini, Gildæ, Joachimi, et aliorum, tam prosa quam versibus: inseruntur quædam historica de Cadwaldro, et de causa expulsionus Britonum; et indiculus nominum alphabeticus, in charta
Prophecy of the Six Kings - At a date before 1470 and probably after 1415 a Latin translation, abbreviation and reworking of the "Original Porse Version" was made. Roughly a third of the original content was omitted, and a crude rearrangement of material was made. (Smallwood, 1985, p. 573) The writer is uninterested in describing the Mole (Henry IV) and the return of the Ass (Richard II), like earlier editions, but has great interest in the idea of the final succession of a warrior king who conquered much of England, which suggests that it was written after Henry V's reputation had settled. (p. 589)

Contains reference to Birgitta


Writing support



ff. 70v-93v
Prophecy of the Six Kings - ff. 92r-93v





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London, British Library, Cotton MS Vespasian E.vii Book object